Quick Writing Tip: Less or Fewer?

Beginner, Quick Writing Tips, Writing Skills
Wondering when to use less or fewer? Use “fewer” when the noun is countable and “less” when it isn’t. Read on for some examples. This common question pops up from time to time, particularly while looking for the express checkout line at the grocery store: Is it 10 items or less, or 10 items or fewer? This quick writing tip truly is quick, because using less or fewer in a sentence is incredibly straightforward. Let’s get to it!  Use “Fewer” for What You Can Count Use “fewer” when the noun it’s referring to is countable.  Here are some examples: >> I need no fewer than 10 people to help me move these boxes. >> This bag has fewer chips than usual. >> If fewer people left their snack wrappers behind,…
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Quick Writing Tip: Apostrophes (You’re Doing it Wrong)

Beginner, Grower, Quick Writing Tips, Writing Skills
Apostrophes are used in contractions and to show ownership. But they’re being (mis)used for a lot more. Learn how to use apostrophes the right way with this quick writing tip. Quick writing tips are simple lessons for you to keep in mind as you write your web copy, sales pages, email marketing, social media, blog content, and everything else you have on your plate. This quick writing tip addresses a HUGE pet peeve of mine: unnecessary apostrophes. Apostrophes are being misused everywhere nowadays. It feels like I see them being used incorrectly more than I see them being used correctly.  The rule for using an apostrophe is simple: use it for a contraction and for when you’re attributing ownership. But for some reason, apostrophes are being used for more than…
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Quick Writing Tip: That Vs. Which

Beginner, Grower, Quick Writing Tips, Writing Skills
Common writing question: when should I use that vs. which? The answer is easier than you think. Believe it or not, that and which aren’t used interchangeably in a sentence, although you use them similarly. This quick writing tip will teach you exactly when to use which word in your writing. (See? I already used one of ‘em!) What's a quick writing tip, you ask? Quick writing tips are simple lessons for you to keep in mind as you write your web copy, sales pages, email marketing, social media, blog content, and everything else you have on your plate.  So, how are that and which different? It’s All About the Subject The rule is that you should use which with nonrestrictive clauses and that with restrictive clauses. A restrictive clause…
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